.NET Web App - MVC

  • 4.3 rating
  • (1 Reviews)
  • 0 students enrolled

.NET Web App - MVC

Create web application in .net using model view controller (MVC) and Sql Server as database.

  • 4.3 rating
  • (1 Reviews)
  • 0 students enrolled
  • 25000.00₹
  • 30000.00₹
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  • Course Includes
  • 1. Introduction to ASP.NET Core Framework
  • Routing and Razor View
  • Database Integration
  • User Authentication and Authorization
  • Add Products in Different Category (Admin)
  • Design Home and Product Details Page
  • Add to Cart and Checkout
  • Place Your Order
  • User Interface (UI Styling)
  • Logging and Error Handling, Unit Testing
  • Deployment
  • Production Support (Debugging, Optimization, etc.)

What learn

  • 1. Introduction 2. What is ASP.NET Core? 3. ASP.NET Core Features 4. Advantages of ASP.NET Core 5. MVC Pattern (Mode...
  • 1. Introducing Razor View its type, tag helpers and Model binding 2. Validations & Data Annotations 3. Url Routing Ove...
  • How perform simple database operations like add, update, delete and retrieve the data from SQL database using entity fra...
  • In this chapter you will learn how to implement security for a web application using ASP.NET Identities which is recomme...
  • This module may focus on building an administrative interface to add, update, select and delete products to the system,...
  • This module would cover designing the user interface for the home page and individual product detail pages, likely using...
  • Explores the implementation of a shopping cart functionality, allowing users to add products to their cart and proceed t...
  • This module would handle the final steps of the purchasing process, where users confirm and place their orders.
  • Focuses on styling and enhancing the user interface to improve the overall user experience using JavaScript, html and cs...
  • Covers logging and error handling techniques to capture and manage application errors effectively. Also, introduces unit...
  • Discusses strategies and tools for deploying ASP.NET Core applications to production servers, including considerations f...
  • Addresses techniques for debugging and optimizing ASP.NET Core applications in a production environment, ensuring they p...

Course Content

12 sections • 24 lectures •
Introduction to ASP .Net Core
Introduction What is ASP.NET Core? ASP.NET Core Features Advantages of ASP.NET Core
Understanding ASP.NET Core MVC
MVC Pattern - Model, View & Controller ASP.NET Core Environment Setup ASP .NET Core First Application Project Layout Understanding Life Cycle of ASP.Net Core Request
Views & Tag Helpers
 Introducing Razor View  Advantages of Razor View  Razor Syntax  Types of Views  Partial Views  Layout Pages  Html Helpers  Built-In Html Helpers  URL helpers  Tag Helpers  Custom Tag Helpers
URL Routing
Request handling in mvc Parameters in URL Default Parameter Values Parameters with Constraints
Database Integration
Basic CRUD Operations using Entity Framework Separation of work using BO Classes Writing Generic Class / Repository
Introduction to Validations Model level validations (vs) View level validations Importing jQuery Validation Plug in [Required] [RegularExpression] [Range] [StringLength] [Compare] [Remote] IsValid
Data Annotations
[Display] [Datatype] [DisplayFormat] [ScaffoldColumn]
Authentication and Authorization
What is Authentication and Authorization
Implementing Security using ASP.NET Core Identity
User Registration, Login, Logout, Forget Password, Reset Password, Locked User etc
Create Admin Area
Create separate area for Admin user to manage product inventory. link and separate navigation for admin users only.
CRUD for Product
Admin user can perform Add product image, Name and its description. Product can be updated or deleted as per inventory. no of products are currently available etc.
Prepare customer page List
Prepare customer page where customer can search product as per his requirements, can sort or filter products as per category
Add Filers and Sorting
Prepare customer page where customer can search product as per his requirements, can sort or filter products as per category
Add to cart
customer can add, remove their products temporally in cart and increase or decrease their quantity.
Customer has to checkout his cart
Final Checkout and inventory
Need to verify product is in inventory and customer has all the information like delivery address, Payment mode etc
On the basis of customer purchase need to generate invoice report
UI enhancement for various screens
like customer pang, login, registration, admin etc..
Error Handling and Logging
if any thing goes wrong in application at runtime then need to capture those events for that we need to handle exceptions and also need to store in some log file
Unit testing
Unit Testing required for developer, if any thing changes then we should keep track for those functions
Environment Setup
Environment Setup to live the application on IIS server
How can we track our application when its live. What measures we need to take etc..
Web Application optimization
through bundling and minification, Caching
Database Optimization
SQL Query optimization


  • Basic programming knowledge, Good to have HTML, CSS knowledge


 MVC is a Model Controller View Pattern and using it in ASP.NET is why we term it as ASP.NET MVC.

The basic need of introducing MVC was to make complex application development easy. MVC is a lightweight highly testable framework as compared to traditional ASP.NET Web Forms. MVC focusses on Separation of Concerns. The purpose of MVC is to separate the content from the presentation and data processing from content.


It seems like you've listed out different modules for a course or project related to ASP.NET Core framework. Each module seems to cover a specific aspect of web development using ASP.NET Core. Here's a brief description of each module:

1. Introduction to ASP.NET Core Framework: This module would cover the basics of ASP.NET Core, including its architecture, features, and how it differs from previous versions of ASP.NET.

2. Routing and Razor View: This module would delve into routing, which is essential for directing incoming requests to the appropriate controllers and actions. Razor Views are a part of ASP.NET Core's templating system for generating dynamic HTML.

3. Database Integration: Covers how to integrate databases into your ASP.NET Core application, likely using Entity Framework Core or other ORMs (Object-Relational Mappers).

4. User Authentication and Authorization: Discusses techniques and best practices for implementing user authentication (login) and authorization (permissions and roles) within an ASP.NET Core application.

5. Add Products in Different Category (Admin): This module may focus on building an administrative interface to add products to the system, organizing them into different categories.

6. Design Home and Product Details Page: This module would cover designing the user interface for the home page and individual product detail pages, likely using HTML, CSS, and perhaps some JavaScript.

7. Add to Cart and Checkout: Explores the implementation of a shopping cart functionality, allowing users to add products to their cart and proceed to checkout.

8. Place Your Order: This module would handle the final steps of the purchasing process, where users confirm and place their orders.

9. User Interface (UI Styling): Focuses on styling and enhancing the user interface to improve the overall user experience.

10. Logging and Error Handling, Unit Testing: Covers logging and error handling techniques to capture and manage application errors effectively. Also, introduces unit testing for ensuring the reliability of the codebase.

11. Deployment: Discusses strategies and tools for deploying ASP.NET Core applications to production servers, including considerations for hosting environments and deployment pipelines.

12. Production Support (Debugging, Optimization, etc.): Addresses techniques for debugging and optimizing ASP.NET Core applications in a production environment, ensuring they perform well and remain stable.

Each module seems to build upon the previous one, gradually increasing in complexity and covering different aspects of building a web application with ASP.NET Core.

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