Social Science Class 9

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Social Science Class 9

Overall, Class 9 Social Science aims to provide students with a well-rounded understanding of the world, its history, geographical features, political systems, and economic principles. It encourages them to think critically about societal issues and prepares them to be informed and responsible citizens.

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  • 599.00₹
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Course Content

27 sections • 27 lectures • 11h 17m total length
Overall, the chapter on "Agriculture" provides students with insights into the fundamental practices and challenges of farming, highlighting its importance in ensuring food production and the livelihoods of millions of people around the world. It also introduces them to the evolving field of modern agriculture and sustainable farming practices.
Electoral Politics
Overall, the chapter on "Electoral Politics" aims to educate students about the electoral process, the functioning of political parties, and the significance of elections in democratic governance. It encourages an understanding of the democratic principles that underlie the selection of representatives in democratic societies.
What is Democracy,Why Democracy
This chapter provides students with a foundational understanding of democracy, its principles, and the reasons why it is considered a desirable and just form of governance. It promotes critical thinking about political systems and the role of citizens in shaping their societies.
Food Security in India
Overall, the chapter on "Food Security in India" aims to educate students about the complexities of ensuring that all citizens have access to an adequate and nutritious food supply. It emphasizes the role of government policies and programs in addressing food security challenges in the country.
Introduction of Economics
"Introduction to Economics" serves as a foundation for deeper exploration into economic concepts and principles. It helps students grasp the basic framework of economics and its significance in shaping individual and societal decisions related to resource allocation and economic activities.
Physical Features of India
Overall, the chapter on the "Physical Features of India" aims to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of India's diverse geography, including its mountains, plains, plateaus, rivers, and natural resources. It helps students appreciate the country's geographical richness and its influence on various aspects of life in India.
Democratic Rights
Overall, the chapter on "Democratic Rights" aims to educate students about the importance of fundamental rights in a democratic society, their role in protecting individual freedoms, and the mechanisms for seeking redress in case of rights violations. It promotes a deeper understanding of the principles of democracy and citizenship.
Transportation, Communication and Tourism
Overall, this chapter provides students with insights into the interconnectedness of transportation, communication, and tourism in the modern world. It highlights their roles in promoting economic development, cultural exchange, and global connectivity.
Constitutional Design
Overall, the chapter on Constitutional Design aims to educate students about the fundamental principles and processes involved in creating a constitution. It helps them understand the role of a constitution in shaping the governance and legal framework of a country, using the Indian Constitution as a prominent example.
Introduction to Political Science
Overall, the chapter on "Introduction to Political Science" serves as a foundational guide to the field, helping students understand the importance of political science in examining political systems, policies, and the behavior of individuals and governments in societies. It encourages critical thinking and a deeper understanding of the political world.
Overall, the "Practical" chapter serves as a practical application of the knowledge and concepts learned in the preceding chapters, helping students develop a deeper understanding of the subject matter and its relevance in the real world. It fosters skills such as data analysis, critical thinking, and effective communication, which are valuable in various aspects of life.
regional devlopment
Overall, the chapter on "Regional Development" aims to help students understand the complexities of regional disparities and the importance of policies and strategies to promote equitable development within a country or region. It encourages critical thinking about economic and social issues related to regional development.
Overall, the chapter on "Industries" aims to provide students with insights into the world of industrialization, its role in economic development, and the various factors and challenges associated with industrial growth. It helps students understand the complex dynamics of the industrial sector within the broader context of the economy.
People as Resource
Overall, the chapter "People as Resource" highlights the idea that individuals are a valuable resource that, when properly nurtured and invested in, can contribute significantly to a nation's economic and social progress. It encourages students to recognize the importance of education, health, and skill development in building a skilled and productive workforce.
Poverty as a Challenge
Overall, the chapter on "Poverty as a Challenge" aims to create awareness about the complex issue of poverty, encourage critical thinking about its root causes and consequences, and inspire students to consider solutions and initiatives for poverty alleviation in their own communities and beyond.
Overall, the chapter on "Population" provides students with a deeper understanding of demographic patterns and their significance for societies and nations. It also encourages critical thinking about population-related issues and policies.
Socialism in Europe and the Russian Revolution
Overall, this chapter provides students with insights into the rise of socialist ideologies, the Russian Revolution as a case study, and the broader impact of these movements on the course of history. It encourages critical thinking about political and economic systems and their effects on society.
The chapter "India" serves to provide students with a holistic understanding of their own country, including its geographical, historical, cultural, political, and economic aspects. It encourages a sense of national identity and pride while promoting an awareness of the country's diversity and challenges.
Nazism and the Rise of Hitler
Overall, the chapter aims to provide students with a historical understanding of how Adolf Hitler rose to power and the profound impact of Nazi ideology on Germany and the world. It also highlights the importance of studying history to prevent the recurrence of such ideologies and events in the future.
Overall, the chapter on "Occupation" helps students understand the diversity of economic activities that people engage in to support themselves and their communities. It also encourages critical thinking about the role of occupations in shaping societies and economies.
The French Revolution
Overall, the study of the French Revolution provides students with insights into the complexities of revolutionary movements, the consequences of social inequality, and the transformative power of political upheaval. It is a crucial chapter in understanding the evolution of modern political ideologies and the dynamics of social change.
Renaissance and feudalism
Studying the Renaissance and feudalism provides valuable insights into the transition from the medieval period to the modern age, highlighting changes in culture, society, and governance that had a profound impact on European history and the world.
Natural Vegetation and Wild Life
Overall, the chapter on "Natural Vegetation and Wildlife" aims to instill an appreciation for the Earth's diverse ecosystems, the importance of preserving biodiversity, and the interconnectedness of flora and fauna in various habitats. It also raises awareness about the need for responsible environmental stewardship.
Understanding drainage patterns and river systems is essential for comprehending how water shapes the Earth's surface and influences various aspects of human life, including agriculture, transportation, and environmental conservation.
Understanding climate is crucial because it plays a significant role in shaping the natural environment, influencing human activities, and affecting various aspects of society. It also provides insights into the distribution of vegetation, wildlife, and resources across the planet.
Ancient and Medieval Civilization ,Regime
This chapter provides students with a historical perspective on the development of human societies, governance structures, and cultural interactions during ancient and medieval times. It helps them understand the foundations of modern civilization and the diverse historical narratives that have shaped the world
Age of Revolution
This chapter provides students with insights into some of the most pivotal events and ideas that reshaped the world during the Age of Revolution. It helps them appreciate the complexity of historical change and its profound impact on the modern era.


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Here are short descriptions of the chapters you've listed:

1. **Agriculture:** This chapter likely covers agricultural practices, types of farming, crop production, and challenges in the agricultural sector.

2. **Electoral Politics:** Students may learn about the electoral system, political parties, and the process of elections in democratic countries.

3. **what is Democracy, WhyDemocracy:** This chapter explores the concept of democracy, its principles, and its importance in modern societies.

4. **Food Security in India:** Students study issues related to food availability, accessibility, and affordability in India, as well as government initiatives to ensure food security.

5. **Introduction to Economics:** This chapter provides an introduction to basic economic concepts and principles.

6. **Physical Features of India:** Students learn about India's diverse physical geography, including mountains, rivers, plateaus, and plains.

7. **Democratic Rights:** This chapter may focus on fundamental rights, civil liberties, and the importance of protecting democratic rights in a society.

8. **Transportation, Communication, and Tourism:** Students explore the significance of transportation and communication networks in facilitating trade, tourism, and economic development.

9. **Constitutional Design:** This chapter delves into the process of designing and adopting a constitution, using the Indian Constitution as a case study.

10. **Introduction to Political Science:** Students are introduced to the field of political science, including its scope and significance.

11. **Practical:** This section may include practical exercises and activities related to the concepts learned in the course.

12. **Regional Development:** Students learn about regional disparities, development plans, and strategies to promote balanced regional development.

13. **Industries:** This chapter likely covers industrialization, types of industries, and the role of industries in economic growth.

14. **People as a Resource:** Students explore the concept of human resources, their potential, and the importance of investing in human capital.

15. **Poverty as a Challenge:** This chapter may focus on poverty, its causes, consequences, and government policies to alleviate poverty.

16. **Population:** Students learn about population growth, distribution, and demographic trends in different regions.

17. **Socialism in Europe and the Russian Revolution:** This chapter delves into the socialist movement in Europe and the events leading to the Russian Revolution.

18. **India:** A broad chapter that may cover various aspects of India, including its history, culture, and contemporary issues.

19. **Nazism and the Rise of Hitler:** Students may study the rise of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi regime in Germany during the 20th century.

20. **Occupation:** This chapter may discuss different occupations, their significance, and their impact on society and the economy.

21. **The French Revolution:** Students learn about the French Revolution, its causes, consequences, and impact on world history.

22. **Renaissance and Feudalism:** This chapter may explore the Renaissance period and the decline of feudalism in Europe.

23. **Natural Vegetation and Wildlife:** Students study the various types of natural vegetation and wildlife found in different regions.

24. **Drainage:** This chapter likely covers river systems, drainage patterns, and the importance of rivers in geography.

25. **Climate:** Students explore the various climatic regions in the world and the factors that influence climate.

26. **Ancient and Medieval Civilization, Regime:** This chapter may provide insights into ancient and medieval civilizations, their rulers, and societal structures.

27. **Age of Revolution:** Students learn about various revolutionary movements and their impact on different parts of the world during the "Age of Revolution."

These chapters collectively provide students with a comprehensive understanding of history, geography, economics, and political science, helping them develop a well-rounded knowledge of the social sciences.

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Address:- Sinduriya Palamu Jharkhand 822126

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