Learn JAVA Programming - Beginner to Master

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Learn JAVA Programming - Beginner to Master

Deep Dive in Core Java programming -Standard Edition. A Practical approach to learn Java. Become a Java Expert

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  • 1199.00₹
  • 1499.00₹
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  • Hands-On

Course Content

22 sections • 77 lectures • 22h 45m total length
Why Java ? What is JDK, JRE and JVM
From this lecture you will learn: • Java History • Why Java • What you can implement with Java • This training course structure • Opportunities after this course • What is JVM • What is JRE • What is JDK
JDK installation
From this lecture you will learn: • How to chose JDK version • Difference between openjdk and oraclejdk • How to install jdk on computer • How to configure environment variable
First application: Hello World App
From this lecture you will learn: o What are console applications o How to compile .java files to bytecode o Basic Syntax o How to create ‘Hello World’ app on Java o What are compilation errors o How to execute our programs on JVM
Eclipse/ Intellij Overview
From this lecture you will learn: • What is IDE • What are the most popular IDE for Java development • Eclipse for Java EE developers: Overview • Eclipse Java Project • What is a package
From this lecture you will learn: • What are comments • What are types of comments in Java source code • Java Doc • Tips and best practices
Primitive types and variables
From this lecture you will learn: What data types exists in Java What are primitive types Integers Floating-point numbers Characters Boolean Primitive types conversion What are variables 'var' variables Java keywords
Number System
From this lecture you will learn: • Number Systems • Binary number system • Octal number system • Hexadecimal number system • How to convert from one system to another • Binary, octal and hexadecimal literals in Java
From this lecture you will learn: Arrays: overview One-dimensional arrays How to access elements in arrays Default values for elements in array ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException Array literal Multidimensional arrays ‘ null’ values java.util.Arrays import statement How to investigate JDK source code
Operators in Java
From this lecture you will learn: What are operators? Type of operators Arithmetic operators Assignment operators Relational operators Logical operators Bitwise operators Ternary operator Operator precedence
Types of Expression in Java
From this lecture you will learn: What is expression What is statement Type of the expression in Java Concatenation with String
User Input from console
From this lecture you will learn: How you can read input from the console What is System.in
o Simple console integer calculator o Calculate area of triangle o Calculate circle circumference
object creation and method overview
From this lecture you will learn: java.lang.String class overview Main String methods How to create String objects
String and String pool
From this lecture you will learn: String pool String comparison
Regular Expression
From this lecture you will learn: What are regular expressions? When to use regular expressions? Why we need regular expressions? How to write regular expressions in Java? Pattern and Matcher objects in Java How to find words in String
Formatting in Strings
From this lecture you will learn: How to format string What are format specifiers? How to use Formatter? When need to format strings?
From this lecture you will learn: How to use 'if' statement Syntax of 'if' statement Nested 'if' statements 'if-else-if' ladder
From this lecture you will learn: How to use 'switch' statement Syntax of 'switch' statement Type of expression to be used in 'switch' 'break' statement 'default' statement 'switch' vs 'if statement
while loop
From this lecture you will learn: What are iteration statements in Java? When we need to use iteration statements in Java Examples of loops in Java 'while' loop
do-while loop
From this lecture you will learn: How to use 'do-while' loop Usage of ´do-while´ loop - examples When to use 'do-while' over 'while' loop
for loop
From this lecture you will learn: How to use 'for' with condition loop Examples of the use Comma in for loop
for-each loop
From this lecture you will learn: How to use 'for each' loop Examples of the use Shortcut in eclipse to create 'for each' loop
Nested Loops
From this lecture you will learn: How you can put one loop inside another one When you need to use nested loops
Jump Statements
From this lecture you will learn: What are jump statements Continues statement Break statement
Hands-On Programs
o Print digits from new line o Pyramid in console o Print matrix to console
o From this lecture you will learn: o What is a method o Method signature o How to declare methods o How to call methods o Method overloading o Pass arguments by value o Recursive methods o Variable-length arguments
Parameters in Methods
o From this lecture you will learn: o Passing data by value o Passing data by reference o Passing primitive types to method in Java o Passing reference types to method in Java
Recursive Methods
From this lecture you will learn: o What is recursion o What are recursive methods o How to write recursive methods o When do we need recursive methods o Pros and cons of recursive methods
Variable length Arguments
From this lecture you will learn: o What are variable-length arguments o Syntax of varargs o Varargs in the methods
Hands-On Practice
o Find max int in array o Draw empty rectangle o Calculate Amount of Words o Filter String array o Rotate Matrix o Extend Array o Greatest Common Divisor o Sum all digits in number o String Processor o Turn each first letter in a word to capital o Convert decimal to Roman numbers and vice versa
How to Debug Java Program
From this lecture you will learn: o What is a debugger o Why do we need to debug our programs o How to debug java program in Eclipse o How to analyze program execution o How to adjust program execution in debug mode if needed o What are breakpoints
OOPs Basic
From this lecture you will learn: o What is OOP o What is an object o Class o Why do we need OOP o OOP advantages o OOP VS Functional programming o Inheritance o Encapsulation o Polymorphism o Abstraction
Classes and Objects
From this lecture you will learn: o What does class consist of o Fields o Initialization blocks o Constructors o Methods o Nested classes o Getters and setters o toString() method o How to create object
Different type of classes, abstract keyword and abstract classes
o From this lecture you will learn: o Concrete classes o Nested classes o Final classes o POJO classes o Abstract classes o Anonymous classes o Abstract keyword
From this lecture you will learn: o What are interfaces o What does interface consist of o Abstract class VS Interface o Interface VS Class VS Type
From this lecture you will learn: o What is polymorphism o Method overriding o Override VS Overload o Dynamic binding
• From this lecture you will learn: • What is inheritance • ‘super’ keyword • ‘instanceof’ operator • How to extend classes • Inheritance rules
static, final keyword
From this lecture you will learn: • What is ‘static’ keyword • Where we can use ‘static’ keyword • Static methods • Static fields • Static import • Static VS dynamic binding • final keyword
From this lecture you will learn: • What is encapsulation • Access modifiers • Which modifiers to use and when • Rules during overriding
SOLID Pricipal
From this lecture you will learn: • What are SOLID principles • SOLID principles in OOP • Single responsibility principle
Open / closed principle
• From this lecture you will learn: • Open / closed principle • Code examples
Liskov substitution principle
o From this lecture you will learn: o Liskov substitution principle o Code examples
Interface segregation principle
• From this lecture you will learn: • Interface segregation principle • Code examples
Dependency inversion principle
From this lecture you will learn: • Dependency inversion principle • Code examples
Git Install and Basic Config
From this lecture you will learn: o How to install Git o Basic Git configuration o What is a repository o What is a Git Bash o What is Git Gui
Git Branching
From this lecture you will learn: o Creating branch o Delete branch o Switch and checkout
Git Stash
From this lecture you will learn: o Stashing current change o Saving stash and apply stash
Pull, Merge
From this lecture you will learn: o pull latest code o push the changes
Package Overview
• Introduction to packages and classpath. • Creating, importing, and managing packages. • Namespace management and differences between packages and header files. • Working with sub-packages and organizing source and class files. • Exploring the java.lang hierarchy and its classes. • Utilizing predefined classes like Object, Runtime, Process, Math, String, • StringBuffer, and StringBuilder. • Understanding wrapper classes and system class functionalities
Exception Handling in Java
• What is an exception? • Hierarchy of exceptions • Checked/Unchecked exceptions • Exceptions handling • How to catch exceptions • try - catch block • try - catch with multiple catch clause • try - catch with multiple catch blocks • Unreachable catch block • try - catch - finally block • try - finally • When finally is not executed • throws • throws and inheritance • throw an exception • throw wrapped checked exception • Throwable API • Create own exception
Collection Framework Overview
From this lecture you will learn: • What does JCF consist of • Collections VS arrays • Advantages of collections over arrays • Collection VS Map
Collection interface
From this lecture you will learn: • Collection interface: Overview • UML: Class diagram • Collection: abstract methods • Collection: default methods • Collection: source code
Interface list,set and queue
• From this lecture you will learn: • Main descendants of Collection interface • Class diagram of Collection hierarchy • List Interface: Overview • Set Interface: Overview • Queue Interface: Overview • FIFO Principle
LinkedList vs ArrayList
From this lecture you will learn: • Investigate Hierarchy • ArrayList • Vector • CopyOnWriteArrayList • Stack • Marker interface: Random Access • LinkedList vs ArrayList • Real examples of using list implementations • Comparison of List implementations
Comparable and Comparator
From this lecture you will learn: • What is Comparator • How to sort elements in List • What is Comparable • Difference between compare & compareTo methods • Where to use Comparable and Comparator • Quick Sort Algorithm • Write your custom product comparator
Iterable, Iterator and ListIterator
• From this lecture you will learn: • Iterable • Iterator • Exceptions thrown by iterator • Three types of iterator • Fail-fast iterator • Fail-safe iterator • Weakly consistent iterator • Practice with iterator • List iterator
Map Hierarchy
From this lecture you will learn: • Map Hierarchy • Overview of Map implementations • SortedMap Interface • NavigableMap Interface • Dictionary • Hashtable class vs HashMap class • Methods of Map interface • Entry type
Hashtable and Hashmap
• From this lecture you will learn: • What is hash table • How does hash table work • equals() and hashCode() • HashMap • Initial capacity and load factor • Practice with HashMap • Immutable keys and how to lost value in map • Sort Map by keys • Sort Map by values
SortedMap, NavigableMap and TreeMap
From this lecture you will learn: • SortedMap Interface • NavigableMap interface • TreeMap practice • Binary tree
Generics in Java
From this lecture you will learn: • Why do we need generics • Generics in Java • Diamond Operator • How generics work • Generic method • Generic class • Bounded generics • Multiple bounds • Wildcards • Upper Bounded Wildcard • Lower Bounded Wildcards • Raw types • Type erasure
Functional Programming in Java
From this lecture you will learn: • What is functional programming • Main concepts of functional programming • Advantages and disadvantages of functional programming • Imperative VS Declarative programming • Function vs Method • Functional Programming in Java • java.util.function package
Lambda function & Method reference
• From this lecture you will learn: • What is ‘Functional Interface’ • How to create custom functional interface • Lambda function • Method reference • Practice
Stream API
From this lecture you will learn: • What Stream API is • java.util.stream package • When to use Stream API • Conveyor belt • Terminal operations • Non-terminal operations • How to create stream from array • How to convert list to map • parallelStream() • Examples
Garbage Collection: Overview
• Introduction to garbage collection and its advantages. • Understanding the garbage collection procedure in Java. • Exploring Java API related to garbage collection.
First Multithreading Program: Thread & Runnable
• Thread lifecycle and possible states of a thread • How to start a thread - 5 ways • Thread class • Runnable interface • Main properties of Thread object (id, name, priority, daemon) • TimeUnit • How to interrupt thread of execution • How to stop execution - deprecated stop(), suspend() and resume() methods • interrupt() VS interrupted() VS isInterrupted() • currentThread() • sleep() • join() method
Thread Scheduler, Race Condition, Daemon Threads & Thread Groups
• Thread scheduler • Race condition • priority filed in Thread • yield() method in Thread class • Daemon threads • Thread Groups • Throwing exception from run() method
Synchronization basics
• What is critical section • Atomic operations • Basic synchronization example • What is a monitor • What is a mutex • monitor VS mutex • synchronized keyword • Synchronized blocks • wait() • notify() • notifyAll()
Deadlock and livelock
• What is deadlock • What is livelock • How to reproduce deadlock • How to reproduce livelock • How to avoid deadlock and livelock
Executor Services, Callable & Future
• Executor interface • Executor service interface • What is a thread pool • How to start thread with executor service • What is Callable • What is Future • invokeAll() & invokeAny() • Thread interruption with executor service
Input and Output Streams in Java
From this lecture you will learn: • File • FileFilter • File separator • File pathSeparator • Files • Path and Paths • Absolute path and relevant path • Byte Streams • Character Streams • Reading and Writing with streams • try with resources • Buffered streams • Encoding while reading from file and writing to the file • File read with stream (nio) • Files write • Standard Open Option
Serialization and Cloning
From this lecture you will learn: • Why we need Serialization • Serializable interface • Serialization and de-serialization • What is serialVersionUID • Externalization • Cloneable interface • Deep and shallow cloning • clone() method • Cloning of objects
General Overview and DDL
• What is SQL • SQL Sublanguages (DDL, DML, DCL, TCL) • Data Definition Language • Create Database query • Create Table query • Create Index query • Create View query • Alter Table query • Rename table • Truncate table • Drop Database query
DML - CRUD Opeeration
• CRUD • SELECT statement • SELECT only specific attributes • ORDER BY • WHERE clause • DISTINCT keyword • LIKE keyword • LIMIT • IS (NOT) NULL • Operators in SQL • Aggregate Functions • GROUP BY • Aliases • HAVING • INSERT • UPDATE • DELETE
JOIN queries, UNION and SubQueries
• Join queries - Overview • Inner join • Left Outer join • Right Outer join • Cross Join • Full Outer join • UNION • Subqueries
JDBC OverView: Establish connection with DB and Java App
• JDBC Overview • JDBC Driver Types • What is ODBC • How JDBC works • Add JDBC driver to classpath of the Java App • Connection to the database via JDBC • SQLException • SQLTimeoutException
Statement, PreparedStatement and CallableStatement
• Statement • execute(String sqlQuery) • executeQuery(String sqlQuery) • executeUpdate(String sqlQuery) • ResultSet • SQL to Java types mapping • SQL Injection • PreparedStatement • CallableStatement
Transactions, Batch Updates and MetaData
• Transactions • ACID • Commit • Rollback • Savepoint • Transactions in JDBC • Batch requests to DB • DatabaseMetaData • ResultSetMetaData


  • Basic Knowledge of Programming Required Tools : JDK IDE : Eclipse or IntelliJ


From laying the foundation with Java basics to mastering advanced concepts like multithreading and functional programming, this comprehensive course equips you with the skills to develop robust, scalable Java applications. Through hands-on exercises and practical examples, you'll gain proficiency in Java programming, enabling you to tackle diverse challenges in software development with confidence

Module 1: Introduction

In this module, we delve into the fundamentals of Java, exploring why it's a popular choice for development. We also decipher the distinctions between JDK, JRE, and JVM, laying the groundwork for understanding Java's execution environment.

Module 2: Java Basics

Covering the essentials, this module walks you through installing JDK, creating your first "Hello World" application, and introduces you to IDEs like Eclipse and IntelliJ. You'll grasp the basic syntax of Java, compile code into bytecode, and execute programs on the JVM.

Module 3: Primitive Data Types, Variables, and Arrays

Understanding data types and variables is crucial in Java programming. This module acquaints you with primitive types, variable declaration, and arrays, setting the stage for more complex data manipulations.

Module 4: Operators and Operations with Primitive Types

Here, you'll explore Java's operators, mathematical operations, and handling user input from the console. Through practical programs, you'll learn to perform calculations and understand Java's memory model.

Module 5: String in Java

Strings are ubiquitous in programming. This module covers string creation, string pool, regular expressions, and string formatting, empowering you to manipulate textual data effectively.

Module 6: Control Structures

Control structures dictate the flow of execution in Java programs. From if-else constructs to switch statements, you'll learn how to control program behavior based on conditions and user input.

Module 7: Iteration Statement (Loops) in Java

Loops are essential for repetitive tasks. This module covers various loop constructs in Java, including while, do-while, for, and for-each loops, along with jump statements like break and continue.

Module 8: Methods

Methods encapsulate reusable code blocks in Java. This module dives into method creation, parameter passing mechanisms, and recursive methods, enabling you to modularize your code effectively.

Module 9: Enumerations in Java

Enumerations provide a way to define collections of constants in Java. This brief module introduces enumeration types and their applications, such as defining message priorities.

Module 10: Debugging

Debugging is a crucial skill for any programmer. This module introduces debugging techniques within popular IDEs, helping you identify and resolve errors in your code effectively.

Module 11: Object-Oriented Programming (OOPs Concepts In Depth)

Object-oriented programming is the cornerstone of Java development. This extensive module covers OOP principles, classes, objects, inheritance, polymorphism, and design principles like SOLID, preparing you for building robust, scalable applications.

Module 12: GIT

Version control is essential for collaborative development. This module provides an overview of Git, including branching, stashing, and basic collaboration workflows.

Module 13: Package

Packages are used to organize Java code into namespaces. This module covers package creation, importation, and management, along with exploring predefined classes and the java.lang hierarchy.

Module 14: Exception Handling

Errors and exceptions are inevitable in programming. This module equips you with the skills to handle exceptions gracefully, covering exception hierarchies, try-catch blocks, and custom exception creation.

Module 15: Collection Framework

Collections facilitate data manipulation and storage in Java. This comprehensive module delves into collection interfaces, lists, sets, queues, maps, and comparators, empowering you to work efficiently with diverse data structures.

Module 16: Generic Methods

Generics enhance code reusability and type safety. This module introduces generic methods, allowing you to write flexible, type-safe code in Java.

Module 17: Functional Programming (Lambda & Method References)

Functional programming introduces concise, expressive ways to manipulate data. This module covers lambda functions, method references, functional interfaces, and the Stream API, enabling you to leverage modern programming paradigms effectively.

Module 18: Garbage Collection

Java's automatic memory management simplifies memory allocation and deallocation. This module provides insights into garbage collection mechanisms, advantages, and Java API related to memory management.

Module 19: Multithreading

Multithreading enables concurrent execution, enhancing program performance. This extensive module covers thread creation, synchronization, thread pools, and common concurrency issues like deadlock and livelock.

Module 20: Input and Output Streams

Input and output operations are fundamental for interacting with external resources. This module covers file handling, stream operations, serialization, and cloning, enabling seamless data manipulation in Java applications.

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About Instructor

About Instructor

A results-oriented professional with 5+ years of experience in application development, maintenance, and support, I specialize in J2EE and the Spring framework, excelling in designing and developing web-based applications. Proficient in deploying on Apache Tomcat, I bring expertise in web service testing with tools like Postman and resolving production environment-specific issues. I have successfully created APIs using Spring Boot and demonstrated effective team management and work allocation. With excellent communication skills, I am a collaborative team player with leadership qualities, ready to contribute to project success.